Covid19 Stimulus

How long can stimulus be used to sustain the economy? I’ve been reading Paul Krugman’s latest book, Arguing with Zombies to better understand the stimulus funding and debt. The numbers are eye popping. Economic stimulus is a proven way to restore confidence...

Think Global

Why you should start thinking globally now. Covid19 is making the US healthcare industry cross the chasm to consumer driven healthcare.  Previously imposed ideas of what we thought were possible in healthcare and other aspects of life are being challenged every...

Covid19 + Beyond

Preparing for the impact of Covid19 and beyond. Years ago, Bill Gates tried to warn us all about the risk of a deadly virus. Unfortunately, we didn’t heed his warning. The good news is that he has left the boards of Microsoft and other companies to focus his efforts...

Venture Funds

Demystifying Venture Capital funds for healthcare leaders. I am using my social distancing time to help a colleague assess the feasibility of a new Social Impact fund for early stage startups. The timing aligned with the start of an online program about Venture...

Conscious Capital

Can conscious capitalists solve the world’s problems? I’ve been researching impact investing and some of the ideas around it including stakeholder capitalism, conscious capital and frugal innovation. There is a ground swell happening that is important to...