
Could co-housing help solve the homeless issues? Did you catch the Fortune article asking “Can San Francisco be saved?” The article raises the point that for people without housing, there is no health. Unfortunately, the story gets worse. Many medieval diseases...

Talk is Cheap

Why business leaders need to act now. I met with the CEO of a mental health company last year and remember asking him “what’s the answer” to some of the biggest challenges that we’re facing. Talking is good but if there is no solution for the problems, then what? It’s...

Wellbeing Matters

What it means to live a good life to the very end. A health policy colleague suggested that I read Being Mortal by Atul Gwande MD. It wasn’t what I expected but I always enjoy Dr. Gwande’s books. His stories give us such good insight into some of the biggest...

2020 Rebalancing

Perfect year for rebalancing short term returns and long term strategies. I’ve been reading the Value of Everything written by economic professor Mariana Mazzucato, Founder of the Institute of Innovation and Public Value. It’s worth reading. The book will likely...

Short: IDNs are the Now

IDNs are the now but not the future. A colleague has been asking me about the biggest challenge for Integrated Delivery Systems [IDNs] now. He was specifically asking about Kaiser and in the interest of full disclosure, they are not one of my clients. Kaiser is a...